Clean up after your dog

Eye Open Space Group has been running a campaign for dog owners to clean up after their dog. A poster competition was held at the groups fun day in July. Judged by Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson, the poster by Holly Jackson was judged the winning entry. Runners up were second place Lauran Mapleston and third place Jemilla Scotten.

cleanWinning entry by Holly Jackson

Dog mess is a constant issue that keeps coming up for the Parish Council. Dog faeces don’t only look horrible but may contain worms which can cause serious eye disorders in children and adults. There are red bins around the village where collected waste can be put. Please clean up after your dog and help keep the village a clean and pleasant place to live.

Thank you to all those dog owners that already do.

You can read more here.

Eye Parish Council wins Peterborough Development and Environment Award

Eye Parish Council has won the Peterborough Development and Environment Award for the best building conservation project for the restoration of the old fire station. The project was undertaken by the Parish Council with assistance from St Matthew’s Church and Rural North Neighbourhood Committee.


At the same event Eye Community Open Space Group won best Greenspace/Community Project for the work done to Manor Farm Park.


Leeds Hall Re-opening

The Parish Council were delighted to welcome the Mayor and Mayoress of Peterborough. Sarah Gosling from WREN and other distinguished guests to the open afternoon to celebrate the refurbishment of the Leeds Hall.

The Hall now has new lighting, a new boiler, a new cooker, a refurbished kitchen and bar area, redecorated hall, new curtains. We also have a screen and projector that can be hired for presentations etc for a nominal charge – please contact the clerk.

Many thanks go to WREN for the main grant funding and toward councillors Ray Dobbs, David Harrington and David Sanders for donating part of their Community Leadership fund for the last two years towards the project. Thanks to Andy Bedford, the electrician who lives in Eye for fitting the new hall lighting free of charge. Thanks also go to the users of the hall for their patience whilst the work was ongoing and a very special thanks to Sandra Short, the Leeds Hall caretaker for her extra patience and extra hard work during this time.


 Reopening of Leeds Hall 2012

Old Fire Station restored

The Old Fire Station building in the Churchyard has been restored by the Parish Council with help from St Matthews Church and the Rural North Neighbourhood Committee. The building has had a new roof, the door has been replaced and all brickwork has been re-pointed.


Peterborough Local Development Framework Public Consultation

Peterborough Local Development Framework Public Consultation

  1. I am writing to let you know that Peterborough City Council will be carrying out Public Consultation on the following three important planning policy documents:
    Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) – Proposed Submission
  2. Planning Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) – Consultation Draft
  3. Design and Development in Selected Villages Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – Consultation Draft

Consultation on all three documents will take place between 9.00am on 11th February and 5.00pm on 24th March 2011. No representations or other comments will be accepted outside this consultation period.

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