Coronaviruses (CoV) are a type of virus which include the common cold. Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to more serious conditions. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus that has never been encountered before.
This is an evolving situation, to get the latest information visit:
“The guidance below can not be underestimated, the more this advice is followed the more likely the health system won’t become overwhelmed and the more lives will be protected. Every single person has their part to play. The best advice is to stay at home unless you have to go out. Some people will be asymptomatic (have no symptoms) but will still be contagious.”
Guidance from the Public Health England
The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. It’s also important that children follow this advice.
You should wash your hands for 20 seconds, but why?
Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Always keep two metres away from people outside your home if possible.
Many of the major supermarket chains have amended their opening times in an effort to ensure that those at-risk groups have a chance to shop for food as safely as possible. See supermarket websites for details.
Guidance from the NHS
Stay at home for 14 days if you have coronavirus symptoms, either:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service online coronavirus service if:
- you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
- your condition gets worse
- your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
To protect yourself and others do not go to your GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
Further information here:
- Government information:
- Public Health England: Information for employers:
Local links
- North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (Peterborough City Hospital):
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG:
- East of England Ambulance Service
Infectious disease outbreaks, like the current Coronavirus (Covid 19), can be scary and can affect our mental health.
Here are a couple of links that may help:
Remember just giving someone a phone call can help.
Easy read
If you have a learning disability, or are supporting someone who does, Mencap have put together some easy read information about coronavirus, which you may find helpful.