Author Archives: eyeparishadmin

High Street closure and roadworks during January 2022

Improvements to dropped kerbs and an upgrade to the Zebra crossing on the High Street in the village will take place in the new year, with a full road closure taking place between the hours of 9.30 am and 3.30 pm while the works are taking place.

The works by Peterborough City Council are scheduled to start on Monday, 10 January and last for around two to three weeks, with a diversion in place.

Access to residential properties and businesses within the road closure will be permitted via the traffic management team on site.

While the road is closed buses will be diverted down Cartmel Way and back out along Peterborough Road.

The ‘Back Lane’ bus stop in the middle of the village and the church bus stop will be out of operation while the road is closed. The nearest stops will be on Thorney Road, Crowland Road and outside Mattoni.

Read more here.

The Leeds Hall re-opening

Inside Leeds Hall

The Parish Council will continue to follow government guidance but the Leeds Hall will be open to hire from 19 July 2021.

Further information on the rates and costs is available on the hire page.

The Parish Council office will be open to the public every Wednesday morning from 9am to 1pm.

Enquiries/messages can be left at any time. Telephone: 01733 222037 or email the Parish Council.

Village sign

As many of you may have noticed the village sign was sadly damaged in bad weather last year. It is currently being looked after by the Parish Council. Suppliers for renovating or renewing the sign are currently being sourced. Due to the unique nature of these signs this can take time and the pandemic has slowed the process somewhat.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) health information and advice

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a type of virus which include the common cold. Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to more serious conditions. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus that has never been encountered before.

This is an evolving situation, to get the latest information visit:


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